02 April, 2015

Prom outfit & makeup + Beauty favourites

First, I have to apologize for amateur pics, I didn't even plan to post them. My mum took it just for our personal archive. But I got so many requests to show you the outfit I wore for prom I decided to share it with you.

I have to mention that it wasn't my actual prom, I was just a dance partner of my very dear friend Gal who goes to Gimnazija Moste, I joined him at his prom. My prom with Gimnazija Bežigrad is in 3 weeks. :) 2 proms yay!

I wore a classic glam look with small flick, big lashes, soft lips and eyebrows on fleek. I cannot go any crazier for prom than I already am because I'd look like a Christmas tree, a great alternative was to step back and rock in basics! Do you like it?

I had a special opportunity to wear a design of a Slovenian designer Janja Videc. It's a simple light grey long dress with side splits from thighs down and huge side (boob) cut outs. Elegance!

Kryolan Dermablend concealers used for concealing, highlighting, contouring
Kryolan red, gold, orange, taupe, brown eye shadows
Catrice Limited edition golden fat pencil
Paula's Choice eyebrow duo fixed with Urban Decay Naked basics black and dark brown
Essence Satin Mauve lip pencil blended inwards
Lancome Hypnose Drama mascara
Kryolan Translucent fixing powder

The second part of this blog post are my March BEAUTY FAVOURITES!

I came across this new eyebrow duo by Paula's Choice which has been a fresh staple in my beauty routine since then.

Why I love it?
+2 ashy shades, no more orangey brows #yay
+cream, meaning easy blending and easy building up the intensity
+no smudging, stays on like a dream
+easy application with a brush
+beautiful packaging
+natural looking

Suitable for almost everyone. I use it on my clients regularly because it's so versatile! It may be not the best option for the ones who want very dark and intense 'stencil' eyebrows, but you can use it as a base and just set it with a bit of powder on top, that's how I draw in my brow ends. I set it with Urban Decay's dark brown or black shade, because I love my brows to be quite dark.

I think the price 24.90 € is on point, you get the quality you pay for. It's an AMAZING product. I'm picky about brow products and I wouldn't have been wearing it if it wasn't excellent. I do have a big collection of brow products and this kit is my holy grail! No surprise about unbelievingly positive feedback on beauty blogs and Youtube. Good job, Paula's Choice!

I was in a search for a natural deodorant that will work and won't be dangerous on long run. While scrolling on Instagram I discovered a Slovenian company called Nelipot which makes natural deodorants.

I got a SHAC deo. It's vegan, praben-free, Natrium Laureth Sulphate-free, auminium-free, contains no bad stuff.

My experience: It works amazingly. I didn't experience any sweating while using it. Loving this product. It melts easily and allows smooth application. The only thing that will maybe turn some off is that you have to apply it with fingers. But honestly, don't say you cannot touch your own armpits. ;)

You can BUY it here for 8.90 http://nelipot.si/produkt/nelipot-shac/

And finally, my magic solution for horrible dry and tired skin after my party nights- Collistar Multivitamin Makeup-Remover Milk. I got it to test it out but I didn't feel it was so special until recently. It was last Sunday and I woke up after a crazy night out with dehydrated red skin that was calling for some love. You know that feeling when your skin feels like shit? Well, I found a magical solution. I apply a thin layer of this product all over my face and let it work for about 10 minutes. Then, I just wipe it off. It makes my skin so soft!

You can buy it in Muller or Mercator Beautique, it will cost you around 10 € for 200ml.

Comment if you want to read more of my beauty secrets!



  1. Wow res na tem maturantskem si izgledala precudovito. Sem pa zelo curious glede tvojega kako bos bila oblecena in vse! Se ze prav veselim :)

  2. Izgledala si božansko, nasmeh se ti pa tudi tako poda! Super si :D


  3. Noro ti paše tak makeup!
    xoxo, Nyx

  4. Kako izbrati primeren odtenek, znamko, vrsto pudra? Priporočaš še kakšnega razen tistega, ki si ga omenila pred kratim na blogu?

  5. Great post, and lovely photos.

  6. I wanna know, what do you think about Lady Gaga? You're beautiful, I love your photos♥

  7. What are your plans for the future? What are you going to study in university?

  8. Do you smoke? :)

  9. Kako so reagirali starsi na bolj nor stil in MU? Sama sem zadnjic sprobala sminko in so mr takooo nadrli.

  10. Veckrat doma eksperimentiram z makeupom ampak mi nikoli ne rata oz mi ni vsec. Na yt so mi videi zelo dolgocasni, zato eksperimentiram. Ampak kako naj pridem do tega da bom z mojo kreacijo dejansko sla ven?

  11. Opazis kdaj v lj kaksno punco, z dobrim makeupom ali stilom? Da izstopa. Ali pa da izstopa s svojo energijo?

  12. Vem da veckrat dobis zastonj obleke in makeup od sponzorjev itd... kako pa bi si vse kupila ce pac ti nebi poslali? Sama imam ta problem saj ki je takooooooo veliko stvari vsec, ki so pa drage haha?

  13. Kdaj dobis tatoo in kdaj zacnes z yt videi?

  14. Te kaj skrbi da bos imela cez nekaj let zeloo unicene lase?

  15. V katerih vintage in second hand trgovinah v lj kupujes?

  16. Kako najdes tako lepe obleke? Vem da si ze rekla da kupujes na razprodajah in da so ti vsec kosi, ki jih drugi ne pogledajo. Sama sm velikokrat v trgovinah ampak ne najdem dosti lepega. Potem pa pri tebi zasledim kaksno stvar npr sandali iz hm (<3) ki so bozanski. In js to vedno zgresim :(

  17. Ali si vsak teden v trgovinah oz kako pogosto hodis? Imas naprec super stil!

  18. Ko narocas iz motel rock, long clothing, frs... a placas po povzetju ali kako?

  19. v katerih vintage in 2 hand shop trgovinah v lj kupuješ?

  20. A lahko mal poves o tem, kako uspesno peljes blog in solo? Kaj je na prvem mestu oz ali sola/ucenje kdaj trpi zaradi bloga?

  21. https://instagram.com/p/vl6paKyZVX/?taken-by=agneskrown s katero aplikacijo in efektom si to naredila? :D

  22. https://instagram.com/p/suozlBSZXS/ kako si naredila tole frizuro levo?

  23. Uporabljas primer za sencke? Ce ga kako se mu rece, kje bi se ga dalo kupit pa kolko pribljizno stane? Si zadovoljna z njegovo obstojnostjo?

  24. Imaš doma kakšno žival?

  25. Kaj so bile najhujse opazke glede tvojih dlak pod pazduhi? In kako so starsi to sprejeli? I think it's super cute and u r awesome:3

  26. 1. Kako si prsla do te ideje da si bos zacela puscat dlake pod pazduho,pac kaj je vplival na odlocitev
    2. Prblizn kolk casa so narisane konice obrvi obstojne
    3. A ce bi se zalubla v fanta pa da mu nacin tvojega makeupa nebi biv usec a bi ga spremenila

  27. zakaj bi bila rada visoka 182 če bi lahko izbirala? :)

  28. misliš da lahko vse obleke nosijo tako visoke kot majhne bejbe? sama sem visoka samo 158 in se mi zdi da karkoli dam nase je čudno :(

  29. https://instagram.com/p/uTKKb9yZfb/?taken-by=agneskrown katera šminka je to? :D

  30. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203918531195410&set=t.1585614285&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/AGNESKROWNblog/photos/t.1585614285/280622072141032/?type=3&theater PLEEASE, povej kateri šminki sta to :) tenks!
