27 April, 2016

TREND BOOK: Awakening of a spiritual being

This time I have another school project for you, as I promised. It's my trend book!

First, we need to ask ourselves what a trend is. According to The trend forecaster's handbook, trend is the ‘direction’ in which something new or different moves. A style is about difference, while a trend is about difference and the direction along which that difference travels. Trends in the broadest sense of the word are found in all aspects of our culture. Architecture, for instance. But a desire, a mood or an idea can also be a trend. Trends are, therefore, a fundamental part of our emotional, physical and psychological landscape.

This trend book consists of reports of 3 trends. A broad analysis of zeitgeist, social, cultural, political, mental trends, as well as architecture, arts, makeup, food, product design, fashion, transport and many more areas resulted in this product. The information was collected by observing two cities, Ljubljana and Amsterdam, reading magazines, newspapers, books, websites, documentaries, movies, music, advertisements and social media.

The book has been made to inform and inspire. It's a starting point for my next project - brand concept.

My three trends:
(Click to enlarge the pictures)


Sources... :D Lots of research guys!

Sorry for such low resolution, I took the pictures with my phone.

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed reading! I'm already super busy creating brand concept, brand book and future scenarios. More coming soon!

Xx, Agnes

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